What you shouldn’t say to someone who is chronically ill

Indisposed and Undiagnosed

10. “It’s just a bad day”
Um, no. A bad day is when you burn your toast, miss your train, get a flat tyre, spill coffee all over your white shirt, get gum on the bottom of your favourite shoe, etc.
A bad day usually lasts one day, or a few days at maximum.
This illness is not a bad day.
It’s my EVERY day.

9. “Have you tried…” // “You should try…”
I have tried 90% of the things you are just about to suggest.
I REALLY appreciate the thought, but the only thing I will be trying will be anything my Doctor or Specialist prescribes me.
I don’t want to try any herbal remedies that have been passed down generations and help you with your Gastro bug.
If you have not gone through this, then please, please don’t recommend that I try anything. I know what my body…

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4 thoughts on “What you shouldn’t say to someone who is chronically ill

  1. Thank you for writing this. It is pure joy. I’ve heard them all. A couple of weeks ago I was in a wheelchair – but I could move my right arm freely in front of me (Monty Python: Always look on the bright side of life comes to mind) – any other movement was causing extreme shooting pains. I had a woman talking to me and telling me that I didn’t need the wheelchair. I just needed to stand up. She offered no assistance, and funnily enough, I didn’t move. This completely wound her up and she was becoming more and more annoyed. At the time, couldn’t give a shit, pain too great.
    I’m just going to read through your blog again as I am remembering times and people saying these things. I’m not sure why I can laugh about them now. At the time they drove me nuts with despair.

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    1. Hi Kirsty! I reblogged this from Indisposed and Undiagnosed blog because I related to it so much (was going to write a similar post but this says it all!). Some people are so ignorant and rude, I have a chronic lung illness that makes me short of breath and easily exhausted so I usually take the elevator or ask people to slow down… some people are always going to say nasty things and it will hurt, but it helps to understand that it’s their problem, not yours. I’m glad it helped you, and am happy that we’re connected through our writing and experiences 🙂

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